
Our Complaints Process

Double Take Blog exists to be a positive and encouraging champion for creatives, and we are committed to being a fair, balanced and accurate platform for discussion about the creative industries.

However, mistakes do sometimes happen. When they do, we commit to being open and transparent and to addressing any disputes as fairly as possible.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone can make a complaint about any article published in Double Take Blog.

We accept complaints via email to Leslie Dossett, the Editor, at or via our postal address, which is available on request.

What happens to your complaint?

All complaints will be acknowledged within ten working days. All complaints will be handled by the Editor. On receiving a complaint, it will be reviewed to ascertain the grounds for complaint and identify how it happened and what, if any, potential remedies exist.

If the complaint relates to an issue that is covered by the Editor’s Code of Practice, the complainant will be informed of the Code’s existence and sent a link to it.

We will only accept a complaint within 12 months of the article it refers to being published. (However, we will still be open to discussing the correction of errors of spelling, attribution or fact after that date).

How will we respond?

The Editor will respond to your complaint within fourteen days of acknowledging receipt or send a holding response within 14 days explaining why a response is not yet possible.

  • If we find your complaint has merit and that we were at fault, we will seek to find a solution.
  • If we find that we were not at fault but there is still something we can do and it’s right to do so, we will seek to find a solution.
  • If we find that we were not at fault and that we cannot help you, we will say so.

There are a range of options open to us if we do uphold your complaint. These can include a correction to the text, a formal correction published on our platform, removal of an article, an apology (either public or private), assurances about further coverage, assurances of staff training, publishing a letter from the complainant, or publication of a follow-up story.

All records relating to your complaint will be kept for three years.